Original Target*:
Adjusted Target:
Actual Weight:
Total Loss:
% of Goal:
Avg. Loss/Wk.:
*Original target calculated from a
starting weight of 302.6 lbs. and an average loss/wk. of 1.8 lbs.
That’s right—60 pounds in 23 weeks, or 18.6 pounds
ahead of where I’d planned to be. There’s an oddity, though: My scale gives
different weights at different places on the bathroom floor. There’s always a
bit of temptation to play with the scale any way you can to eke out another
couple fifths of a pound or to zero out a gain. There have been days I’ve weighed
myself about a dozen times, looking for the “sweet spot” on the floor where the
scale registers the lowest. And the variation is pretty wild, as much as 5.2
pounds. (No fooling—while choosing a permanent spot for the scale this morning,
I registered a high of 245 and a low of 239.8.)
It’s ridiculous to game the system for a pound or two. Cui
bono? If all I’ve lost is 55 pounds, that’s still far better than I’d
planned to have done by now. In any event, I’ve chosen a spot where two lines
intersect as a reference point; there the scale stays. It added a pound to my weigh-in,
despite my activity and economies yesterday, but fluctuations are part of the
game. I’m still on track for the month.
To tell the truth, if I had my druthers (and the money), I’d
have a professional scale. The best one on the market offers full body
composition reports. It’s also 100 times more expensive than an el-cheapo
digital scale you can get at Walmart. Not having an extra $4,000 to spare, I
guess I’ll stick to my spastic old model.